YOU Magazine - April 2015
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YOU Magazine
Roy Sperr Jason Walters and Shawn Hunter     Roy Sperr Jason Walters and Shawn Hunter
NMLS: 202418/295556/348864
Equity Source Mortgage, Inc.
Phone: Roy (763) 657-2012
Phone: Shawn (763) 657-2017
Equity Source Mortgage, Inc.
April 2015

March 2015
February 2015
January 2015
December 2014
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October 2014

Spring Heats Up Housing
New and pending home sales forecast a strong housing season.
   Spring Heats Up Housing
Hey Now, You're a Wrap Star
A recipe for delicious Asian-infused lettuce wraps.
   Hey Now, You're a Wrap Star
Do You Know How Others 'See' You?
Self-awareness and success go hand-in-hand. Use these 5 tips for help.
   Do You Know How Others 'See' You?
Dinner Dialogue
How to get kids talking around the table.
   Dinner Dialogue
Going Gaga for Gadgets
7 new products that are fun and useful.
   Going Gaga for Gadgets
Best Times to Buy Airline Tickets
By Cameron Huddleston,

Not only will you likely pay more if you book a flight at the last minute, but purchasing tickets too early also can cost you.
   Best Times to Buy Airline Tickets - By Cameron Huddleston,

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Equity Source Mortgage, Inc.
19230 Evans St NW, Suite 100
Elk River, MN 55330

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