YOU Magazine - May 2016
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YOU Magazine
Roy Sperr Jason Walters and Shawn Hunter     Roy Sperr Jason Walters and Shawn Hunter
NMLS: 202418/295556/348864
Equity Source Mortgage, Inc.
Phone: Roy (763) 657-2012
Phone: Shawn (763) 657-2017
Equity Source Mortgage, Inc.
May 2016

April 2016
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Your Window of Opportunity Is Open
Thinking about buying or refinancing? Now may be the time to move on it.
   Your Window of Opportunity Is Open
3 Great Freebies for Your Dog
Pets are expensive, so it pays to get free stuff for your pooch when you can.
   3 Great Freebies for Your Dog
Resume Trips and Traps
You only get one chance to make a first impression. Here's how to make it count.
   Resume Trips and Traps
Mom's Breakfast in Bed
By Kirk Leins

This year, instead of waiting in a noisy restaurant, why not make things a bit more comfortable?
   Mom's Breakfast in Bed - By Kirk Leins
Bring the Outdoors In, and the Indoors Out - Part 2
7 design ideas to capture the comforts of home, and bring them outside.
   Bring the Outdoors In, and the Indoors Out - Part 2
Avoid the Summer Learning Slide
Keeping brain drain at bay over summer vacation doesn't have to be a contest of wills.
   Avoid the Summer Learning Slide

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Equity Source Mortgage, Inc.
19230 Evans St NW, Suite 100
Elk River, MN 55330

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