YOU Magazine - December 2016 - Beat the Winter Break Blues
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Phone: Shawn (763) 657-2017
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Beat the Winter Break Blues

Beat the Winter Break Blues

Taking a little extra time to make days off more special for kids doesn't have to cost a lot of money. Use these activity ideas as a winter fun springboard!

Fortify the fun. A favorite for imaginations everywhere, indoor forts constructed of blankets and pillows transform everyday spaces into sweet escapes for reading, playing games or having sleepovers. Flashlights and twinkle lights will make it even more magical.

Scavenger hunt. Make a list of items already in the home or backyard, or place seasonal items yourself. Then turn kids loose for an entertaining day. Up the challenge—and their curiosity—by writing clever clues they have to solve in order to know what items to look for.

Rube Goldberg contraptions. Using common household items, have kids construct a contraption that includes a series of chain reactions, as inspired by Rube Goldberg. Have kids see who can keep a marble in motion the longest or cover the greatest distance in the house.

Winter break Olympics. Have contests to see who can hop on one foot the longest, crab crawl the farthest, dribble a ball longest, make the most free throws or any other challenges you can think of. Keep score over break and award medals or ribbons before the kids head back to school.

Stay in drive-in. Recycle cardboard boxes from holiday gifts, selecting sizes that will allow each child to sit comfortably inside. Then, spend the day decorating each box like a car. When it's movie time, kids can park it in front of the TV. Set up a snack bar for maximum effect!

Next-level limbo. Hone your child's inner spy senses by taping stretches of red yarn down a hallway to create your own laser obstacle course.

If you exhaust these activities, check out even more boredom busters from Daily Parent.

Source: Daily Parent

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