YOU Magazine - April 2017 - 3 Features Homebuyers Look for the Most
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Roy Sperr Jason Walters and Shawn Hunter     Roy Sperr Jason Walters and Shawn Hunter
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Equity Source Mortgage, Inc.
Phone: Roy (763) 657-2012
Phone: Shawn (763) 657-2017
Equity Source Mortgage, Inc.
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3 Features Homebuyers Look for the Most

3 Features Homebuyers Look for the Most

Beyond "location, location, location" and regional styles, there are a few things that have universal appeal to homebuyers. Whether you're prepping for a sale, or making your home more enjoyable, it pays to focus on projects that add resale value.

In this short video, you'll learn about three things buyers want most, including:

What 92 percent of buyers look for, according to a recent National Association of Home Builders survey. Plus, the cheapest and easiest place to add it if you don't already have one.

The safety improvement you can inexpensively make that lowers chances of a burglary, helps avoid nasty falls and adds dramatic curb appeal.

Energy efficiency that can help reduce utility bills right away.

Watch the video* below, then find out more features today's homebuyers want most.

*If you are unable to view the video on your mobile or tablet device, please enjoy it on your desktop.

Video featured with permission. All Contents ©2017 The Kiplinger Washington Editors.

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