YOU Magazine - May 2017 - Make Cut Blooms Last Longer
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Make Cut Blooms Last Longer

Make Cut Blooms Last Longer

Whether you're buying flowers to brighten your home, say "Happy Mother's Day!" or you just want to treat someone to a special surprise, here are some tricks to make fresh-cut flowers last.

Trim stems first. By the time you get flowers home, the original florist cut is too old. Make a 45-degree angle cut about an inch from the bottom of the stem, which allows the flower to absorb water easier. Rose stems "breathe" when cut, so trim them under water and transfer immediately to a vase to prevent oxidation. Orchids and chrysanthemums should be trimmed daily.

Remove submerged leaves to prevent rotting water. Carnations are especially susceptible to fouling from dirty water, so pinch off excess stem foliage before placing in a container.

Add a preservative. Bouquets and arrangements often come with a packet of powdered flower preservatives. If not, create your own homemade mix using 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 teaspoon household bleach, 2 teaspoons lemon or lime juice, and 1 quart lukewarm water.

Change water frequently. Most flowers appreciate regular water changes, not just a top-off. If you see any discoloration or the water smells funky, refresh the entire container. Orchids and chrysanthemums require water changes each day for best results.

Choose the right location. Indirect, bright light is best. But avoid placing flowers near direct sunlight or areas susceptible to drafts or extreme temperature changes, such as near heating, ventilation and air conditioning vents.

Get a second chance by recycling faded flowers. Rose petals can be saved and dried to make your own potpourri. Slightly fading gladiola and orchid flowers can be floated in a decorative dish with fresh water. Or press flowers and leaves onto cards and give greeting and thank-you notes a personal touch.

These tips will ensure your flowers last longer and bring more joy to your home!

Source: DenGarden

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