YOU Magazine - November 2009 - Honoring America's Heroes National Veterans Day
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Honoring America's Heroes
National Veterans Day

Honoring America's Heroes - National Veterans Day

On Wednesday, November 11, the nation will observe Veterans Day. This is a wonderful opportunity to honor America's veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and commitment to serve and sacrifice for the common good of the USA.

Did you know Veterans Day dates back to November 11, 1918 when the Germans signed the Armistice, an order to cease fire, and World War I ended? Originally, Veterans Day was known as "Armistice Day," but the name was changed to Veterans Day in 1953, so that all military veterans could be honored and acknowledged.

National Veterans Day Ceremony

One of the most recognized Veterans Day ceremonies is held at Arlington National Cemetery, which draws hundreds, if not thousands of visitors.

This ceremony is held on November 11th at exactly 11:00 am. At that time, a military color guard honors America's war dead at the Tomb of the Unknowns. The Tomb of the Unknowns is a shrine honoring the many thousands of veterans who gave their lives in defense of our nation.

Ceremonies Near You and Activities You Can Do

As powerful as the National Ceremony is, you don't have to travel to the nation's capital to take part in a ceremony. Each year, the Veterans Day National Committee selects a number of regional sites for Veterans Day observances throughout the country – from parades and ceremonies to military exhibits and tributes.

To learn more and find a ceremony near you, visit the Department of Veteran Affairs website for a listing of regional information.

In addition, you can also dedicate some family time to learning more about Veterans Day and the military heroes it honors.

You can find a number of resources online, including the official history of Veterans Day and a downloadable kit that includes information, activities, and even coloring book pages for kids.

Honoring Veterans All Year at the Tomb of the Unknowns

The Tomb of the Unknowns is one of the most visited sites by Americans, prominent dignitaries, and individuals visiting from foreign lands.

The site is guarded 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by Tomb Guard Sentinels. All Sentinels are volunteers and are considered to be the best of the 3rd US Infantry – the "Old Guard." And becoming a Sentinel is not just about volunteering time. Each soldier has to meet very specific qualifications. The soldier must be in superb physical condition, possess an exemplary military record, and meet certain height, weight, and build requirements. The soldier must also commit to giving up drinking and swearing...for life!

Once the basic requirements have been met, the training is broken down into three stages: temporary duty, low-visibility walks, and high-visibility walks. To earn a "walk" the guards must memorize a seven-page document about the history of Arlington National Cemetery, and be able to recite the document verbatim. A "walk" occurs between guard changes.

And when a soldier becomes a Sentinel and earns a "walk" it certainly is not an average walk. Each step, hesitation, and placement of firearm is precisely calculated and has a specific symbolic reference. Each guard takes 21 steps across the Tomb, stops on the 21st step, turns and faces the tomb for 21 seconds, then steps off for another 21-step walk down the mat. Both the 21 steps and the 21-second hesitation symbolize the "twenty-one gun salute," the highest honor given any military or foreign dignitary. After each about face, the Sentinel changes the placement of the rifle to the shoulder closest to the visitors to signify that the Sentinel stands between the Tomb and any possible threat. The Sentinel then repeats this until the guard changes.

The changing of the guard occurs every hour on the hour from October 1 to March 31 and every half hour from April 1 to September 30. The tomb has been guarded every minute of every day since 1937, even during the storms and hurricanes. Each Sentinel commits two years of his life to guard the tomb, and is given a wreath pin signifying they served as a Sentinel. Presently, there are only 400 wreath pins worn.

As we pause and pay tribute to America's veterans, we must honor them with our gratitude, knowing that they served and sacrificed to protect and preserve the values of this great nation...and continue to do so today.

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