YOU Magazine - August 2015 - 17 Summer Spruce-ups for Under $75
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Roy Sperr Jason Walters and Shawn Hunter     Roy Sperr Jason Walters and Shawn Hunter
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Equity Source Mortgage, Inc.
Phone: Roy (763) 657-2012
Phone: Shawn (763) 657-2017
Equity Source Mortgage, Inc.
August 2015

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17 Summer Spruce-ups for Under $75

17 Summer Spruce-ups for Under $75

These simple, cost-effective projects will pay off in more ways than merely going easy on your bank balance. Enjoy more of your home in style!
  1. Alcove accent. Create a unique highlight in an alcove or any recessed space by wallpapering the back wall with a flashy design.

  2. Door defense. Install a polished brass peephole with a fish-eye lens. A sliding metal cover keeps it private and adds a neat finish.

  3. Shelf help. Bed too tall or bedroom too small? Instead of scouring stores for a nightstand that fits, mount a hanging wall shelf beside the bed.

  4. Roller-shade derby. Perk up plain roller window shades with decorative stencils and a bit of fabric paint.

  5. Your own private patio. Screen off an open outdoor porch by hanging floor-to-ceiling outdoor curtains with grommet tops that slide right onto the rod.

  6. Shower of power. Trade that boring (and too short for tall bathers!) showerhead in for another with an articulating arm, and simulated downpour flow!

  7. Linen closet lifesaver. Eliminate closet clutter by tucking toiletries, washcloths and incidentals into an over-the-door hanging shoe organizer (good for shoes, too!).

  8. Picture perfection. Highlight favorite books or art with wall mounted, battery-powered, cordless picture lights.

  9. Chair correction. Mix mismatched chairs from the thrift store by painting them all the same color. Latex semi-gloss covers well and is easy to clean when dry.

  10. Forest fantasy. Line a small closet with aromatic cedar panels for a fresh smelling, moth free experience for your clothing.

  11. Mural maker. Let your imagination run free—or your child's—without wrecking the walls. Paint a mural on adhesive-backed, removable wallpaper canvas.

  12. Towel hook tradeoff. Replace towel hooks or rods with a swing-out towel bar. These look great and help towels dry faster by keeping them separated.

  13. Seat silencer. End the slamming toilet sound with slow-close lid technology.

  14. Soda fountain style. A wall mounted bottle opener at the breakfast bar or a conspicuous kitchen corner will keep the fun flowing. You can even add a cap catcher, if you like.

  15. Door panel delights. Have your local glass shop custom cut a mirror to fit the recessed panel of any door. Then simply glue it into place.

  16. Make a splash. Tile the wall between your bathroom sink and vanity mirror. Adhere backsplash tiles with mortar, grout the joints, then lay a bead of caulk where the tiles meet the countertop for waterproofing.

  17. Direct those drawers. You'd usually only think to use them in the kitchen, but you can keep bathroom or vanity drawers organized with utensil dividers.
Source: This Old House

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